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Naptár napválasztó

Night Operation - INTERNATIONAL( AU - SLO - HR - HU - DE))

0 / 30 | 2022-05-21 19:00:00 - 2022-05-21 23:30:00 |

Night game mode.

Required equipment:

  • Tracer equipment.
  • tactical light. (illuminated shot s muzzle fire).
  • Red flashing LED or light to indicate HIT.

Disabled: sniper, dmr, support weapon.
Semi mode only.

1. Disaster management

In case of an accident, the game automatically stops, help must be
provided and everybody must wait in the parking zone until the
situation is solved. In case of an accident or fire the
organiser/game marshal should be called using chanel 8, or you
should call +36305171212. Climbing on the roofes of the houses
and the hay bales is forbidden. Climbing to any ladder is forbidden.
Avoid climbing on the trees. You should only go to visible and safe
places. If you happen to find a dangerous zone or location, please
let the organiser know.

2. Registration

When entering the place, it is compulsary to wear glasses. After
parking, the next step is registration. After registration you should
get dressed up and do chrono. We do the chrono with your own BB-s
and we measure it in Joules. (WARNING: you should try out your
equipment in the designated area, don’t shoot in the parking zone.)

3. Weapons and other airsoft equipment:

Rates measured in Joules:

  • small pistons AEG/HPA maximum 1.67 J,
  • DMR: 2.32 J (min length 95cm, only single shots)
  • sniper: 3.34 J
    (mechanic, gas sniper replica).

Further weapon categories can be
found on the website of ”Magyar Airsoft Szabályzat”.
After registration and chrono, please wait in the designated area
with your team or squad, with weapons all in safety mode. The
briefing starts according to what the game marshall said before.


all the granades built in a replica or a simple hand
granate (type 40mm) thrown into a room should be considered as a
hit. There is a chance of medic, according to what the game marshal
said at the briefing. They kill the vehicles, and whole squads as well.

Thunder B, or any other BB granades: if the opponent uses a
properly working granade, it is always a hit, you but medic is
possible. If you can hide from the granade theoretically it isn’t a hit,
but because being respectful you consider it a hit. When you get a
granade outside, it is a HIT in the range of 4-6 metres. Don’t
overcomplicate it. This distance is valid for BB granades as well. If
you find a granade somewhere, or any parts of it, please give it back
to the owner, or let us know that you have it.


the aim of using granades is to empty a room in a building.
This should be known for both of the parties. It is forbidden to
throw any used parts of the granades or any other tools. Important:
when throwing a granade you should do it carefully in order to
avoid head injuries.

4. Hit, knives, medic systems

An identified hit is a valid hit from your head to your tows. It is
forbidden to tell or ask somebody that they got a hit. An airsoft hit
is what the players admit. A shot a replica is a valid hit as well. In
case of a hit, you shout loud the word hit and you put your coloured
kendo into your head. You shouldn’t raise your hands, you have to
use the coloured band. If you miss this, after the second warning,
you are not allowed to continue the game, you have to leave the

In case of small distance between two players, approaching one or
the other from the back or from the sides, instead of shooting you
can tell the opponent to put down their weapons. It is not
compulsary to accept it as a hit, but normally, respectfully we do
that. Please, solve these situations fairly and peacefuly between
each other.

Only airsoft rubber knives can be used. Homemade knives can be used
only with the permission of the organiser. Soldiers waiting for
medic can be stabbed which means they have to go back to the
starting point.

a, No medic: after a hit you walk back to the starting point with your
colourful headscarf on your head, after that you can go back to

b, Everybody can medic everybody. Any of the team mates can medic
the downed soldier. You need to count til 60 to heal them.
Normally, you can do it whenever needed, without limits. When
somebody is dead for more than 5 minutes, they can return to the

c,Dedicated medic: there are one or two medics chosen in the
beginning. They have special signs. There are limited and non-limited
versions, according to what the game marshal said in the beginning.
When limited, it is said by the marshal, how many lives the gamers
have. Bleed out time is five minutes.
d, Extra medic rules: rules are cleared and explained by the game
marshal at the briefing.

Fundamental rules:

When somebody is dead, they are not allowed to talk or move.
During bleeding time nobody is allowed to move, except to find a safe
location to wait for the medic. When you are a medic you can shoot
your oponent, but after that you need to restart counting. When the
medic is shot, it is a hit, he is down. If the dead gets another shot,
medic should be stopped, it is hopeless.


A dead can be dragged out to a safe place, slowly, but running is
forbidden. Respawn only in the designated areas. You can not
restart the game from the off zone or from the parking area.
Warning: shooting out of tiny holes is forbidden. You can only
shoot from places where your head is also visible. Don’t move the
elements of the game or any other equipment on the field.

5. Single shot/burst mode:

It is decided by the game marshal, according to the number of
players. Within 20 metres only single shot is allowed. Burst mode is
forbidden in the buildings. Burst mode is acceptable when the
distance is more than 20 metres. The chanels and the missions are
introduced by the game marshal. In case of a problem or fight, both
parties are free to leave the field. Using inapropriate words and
style is forbidden.

Organizer: Easy Base Airsoft (Colic & Peter Esso)
Contact: Ez az e-mail-cím a szpemrobotok elleni védelem alatt áll. Megtekintéséhez engedélyeznie kell a JavaScript használatát. and +36202611529
Date: 21.05.22
Location: Hungary, Molnaszecsőd, Arany Street.
Minimum: 10 people
Maximum 30
Admission: 10euro (3500 HUF)
Gate opening: 18-.00 19:00
Gate closing: 23:30
attire: blue and yellow team bandage
Style: simple quests
Mandatory: Eye protection, scarf.
A good quality radio per squad
Designed for: Face protection, enough water, spare battery

Esemény információ

Esemény kezdete 2022-05-21 19:00
Esemény vége 2022-05-21 23:30
Kapacitás 30
Regisztrált 0
Helyek 30
Egyszemélyes ár 10 euro
Létrehozta Ádám Colic (EasyBaseAirsoft)
Rendezők Colic Ádám és Esső Péter
Csatolmány RULES IN ENGLISH.pdf

Oldal és belépőjegy információ

Oldalak / Csoportok Helyek
i will sign up for the event.



Az eseményt visszavonták. Nem fogadunk több regisztrációt.